Fred's Pick Up Tour 3 full version is here front and center!
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Fred's Pick Up Tour 3
Please review it and let me know what you think. can't wait to hear back from ya'll and I hope you enjoy the game.
WARNING! the game contains lots and lots of blood. I mean way to much blood. so much blood it should be illegal but it's not... or it is? nobody knows! even the people that make the laws don't even know I mean that's a lot of blood!
oh and they curse too.
all together it's an awful game that nobody should ever play because it will make you a bad person all together for just indulging yourself to this display of violence and profanity.
but hey if you like to destroy entire cities with explosive sheep. and have over 100 peds turn into giants with magnetic abilities and get caught under your tires while you drag them through the woods then be my guest.
Have fun Ya'll